Thursday, January 15, 2009

Max Fried Chicken Style Recipe

Max Fried Chicken Style Recipe

1. Rub whole small chicken (inside the skin also) with a mixture of:
2 Tablespoons rock salt
1 tsp pepper
2. Steam right away for 30 minutes (How to Steam)
3. Drain off all the liquid. Pat dry the Chicken with paper towel so frying it later won’t cause so much splatter.
4. Prepare a cover to protect yourself from sputters.
5. Make sure kawali (or deep frying pan) is extremely hot before you put in the oil.
(tip: the oil should cover 1/2 of the chicken pieces)
6. Deep fat fry. Fry both sides till light brown.
7. Cool.
8. Re-fry for extra crispiness.

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